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8 Unnecessary Things Guests Bring on Cruises

Packing for any cruise is a balance.  You don’t want to miss anything that will make your trip better, but you also don’t want to carry things with you that you don’t need - especially if you’re flying to your cruise.  As a frequent cruiser, some of the things I see folks pack on cruise ships shock me.  Whether missteps of first time cruisers, differences in priorities, or edge cases, we’re going to share 8 things that most of you don’t need to pack on your next cruise. read more

Starlink May Come to Cruise Lines, But It's How They Use it That Matters

Internet access on cruise ships varies in speed and reliability, but is often known for being slow. Recently, Royal Caribbean announced their intention to work with Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet service and even appears to be testing it on one of their vessels.  The reality is, however, that what stands in the way of staying connected at sea isn’t fast satellite service, it’s how cruise lines use it, and Royal Caribbean isn’t using it well... read more

Looking Forward to my First Carnival Cruise in 16 Years

Billy Wearing CCL HatIn just a few days I’m sailing on a ship I’ve toured but never sailed on, on a line I’ve not been on in a long time: Carnival Conquest. I’ll be posting videos from our three-night cruise, and sharing on social media, but here I want to talk a bit about why we picked this particular sailing and what we’re looking forward to checking out.  My motivation for this trip is a bit unusual compared to some of the other cruises we take... read more