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Are Cruise Tickets Always Refundable?

__alt__It might be easy to imagine yourself having a great vacation, but we never know what life has in store for us.  So, when your plans don’t work out, can you get a refund on your cruise?  Cruise line booking policies can be complicated to understand, but we’ll see if we can help clear things up so you understand if cruise bookings are refundable... read more

Norwegian Sky 3-Night Cruise Recap - CruiseHabit Podcast Episode 19

Norwegian Sky 3 Night CruiseWhen it comes to cruising, we think that longer is better.  Recently though we enjoyed the newly refurbished Norwegian Sky for a three night sailing, and it reminded us that sometimes a weekend getaway on a great ship is just what the doctor ordered.  Ric and Billy talk about their staterooms, the various packages NCL offers, as well as dining, drinking, and enjoying all that Norwegian Sky and Great Stirrup Cay has to offer.

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Seven Things You Should Know About Travel Insurance - CruiseHabit Podcast Episode 18

Seven Things You Should Know About Travel InsuranceUsually when we think of planning for a cruise, the thoughts are about fun, relaxation, and getting away from it all. Things happen though, and travel insurance can help take the sting out of unfortunate circumstance - but only if you understand it, and buy the right type of policy for your needs.  We've discussed trip insurance before at, but with hurricane season just beginning, we thoughts we'd cover the seven things you should know about travel insurance.

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Cruising During Hurricane Season

sat imagery of a hurricane approaching FLFrequently we associate cruising with relaxing in beautiful tropical weather.  The fact is however, that tropical weather includes hurricanes and other severe weather systems, and June 1st marks the start of the Atlantic hurricane season.  How do you plan for this if you want to take a cruise during peak hurricane season?  From being flexible about your ports of call, weighing the benefits of travel insurance, and making sure your home is secure, we'll discuss the concerns and walk through how much of a problem this really is... read more

How to Pick the Right Travel Insurance Policy for Your Next Cruise

travel insurance for your cruise

Travel insurance can be a great way to protect against the "what ifs" on your next cruise.  Like any insurance, the policy is useless if it doesn't cover the circumstance you're looking to account for.  All too often, we read about people unhappy with a policy because they simply assumed the policy covered specific circumstances, instead of fully understanding what they were buying.  Are you covered if you can't make it to your cruise?  What if you need to leave half-way through your cruise?  How much will it cost to go to a doctor on the ship, or in another country?  Let's look at some of the questions you should ask when looking into an insurance policy, and chip-away at some common misconceptions.  read more

Comparing Cruise Line Credit Cards

Like department stores, airlines, and even gas stations, some cruise lines have their own credit cards promising perks and savings for cardholders.  We looked at a few of these offers and found there are far better deals to be had if you’re looking to save money and get benefits from using a credit card for travel.  We’ll break down the benefits, the cost, and tricks you might find helpful in using credit card perks to save money on your next cruise... read more