Mastodon hurricane season | CruiseHabit

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hurricane season

Video: Cruising During Hurricane Season - What You Need to Know

Cruising During Hurricane Season Hundreds of Caribbean cruises set sail every year during hurricane season, but understanding whether or not this is a good idea, how travel insurance can help in the event of a hurricane, and what the risks really are is something that can be confusing - especially to those new to cruising or not used to dealing with tropical weather systems. In this video we explain hurricane season, dispel some misconceptions, and... read more

Hurricane Cruise Status Board

Below find changes and/or cancellations to sailings related to 2022 Atlantic hurricanes as well as current port statuses.  We'll make an effort to keep this current, but if you learn something we don't yet have posted please leave a comment below and let us know so we can keep things current. read more

2019 Hurricane Cruise Status Board

Below find changes and/or cancellations to sailings related to 2019 Atlantic hurricanes as well as current port statuses.  We'll make an effort to keep this current, but if you learn something we don't yet have posted please leave a comment below and let us know so we can keep things current. read more

Cruising During Hurricane Season

sat imagery of a hurricane approaching FLFrequently we associate cruising with relaxing in beautiful tropical weather.  The fact is however, that tropical weather includes hurricanes and other severe weather systems, and June 1st marks the start of the Atlantic hurricane season.  How do you plan for this if you want to take a cruise during peak hurricane season?  From being flexible about your ports of call, weighing the benefits of travel insurance, and making sure your home is secure, we'll discuss the concerns and walk through how much of a problem this really is... read more

2018 Hurricane Cruise Status Board

Below find changes and/or cancellations to sailings related to 2018 Atlantic hurricanes as well as current port statuses.  We'll make an effort to keep this current, but if you learn something we don't yet have posted please leave a comment below and let us know so we can keep things current. read more

Laugh at Our Periscope, Get Awesome Spicy Stuff, & Help FL Keys Hurricane Victims

If you participate in our interactive broadcasts you may have seen us in Peppers of Key West back in May.  We were visiting on our Cuba cruise and had a great time with our friends and the staff as we tried some of the hottest sauces around.  It was a fun broadcast to watch, so we've included it later in this post.  Why are we bringing this up now?  As you're probably aware, the Florida Keys, like several places, were dealt a devastating blow by Hurricane Irma, and Peppers of Key West, a great local business, is donating 25% of all sales through September 30th to local charities helping those in the Keys most impacted by the storm... read more